Hiking Day 32 - 15th Feb: Dune bashing to Vleesbaai

Hike Date 2009-02-15
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Distance 12.2 km
Day Number 32
Map Number 17A
Destination Vleesbaai
Overnight Riekie van Rensburg's Farm
Terrain Rocks, dunes, beach
Nature Reserve Cowley Trail
  1. 3 Responses

  2. By Brenda Hallowes on Feb 16, 2009

    Oh my the photos just get better. What about puuting together a book of images of the coast? The sights bare so beautiful.

  3. By janandnan nieber on Feb 16, 2009

    hello Chummy and Allan,
    I do hope that next to your digital diary you keep an oldfashioned handwritten diary. I am so nuuskierig to hear (for instance) the story of Rinar and Rieke, what happened to the boerewors or your meeting with Philip on the farm. Together with the pictures that would make a great book. Don't forget to ad Ruth's comments! Love from Jan and Nan.
    PS Hope your funraising is looking as good as your pictures!

  4. By Rachel on Feb 16, 2009

    Hi Brenda, Jan and Nan

    I know that Alan is keeping a handwritten diary of the trip and I'm hoping that when they get a moment by a PC that they will give us more details of the people they have met along the way.

    Chummy is also taking lots of photos which I hope to get on the website as soon as I can get hold of them. The ones you're seeing at the moment come from his mobile phone.

    And I agree - it would make a super book!
