Hiking Day 168 - 1st July: Kosi Bay

Hike Date 2009-07-01
Next Day
Previous Day
Distance 14.5 km
Day Number 168
Map Number 78
Destination Kosi Bay
Overnight Camp Utshwayelo
Terrain Beach
Nature Reserve Kosi Bay Nature Reserve

Lovely walk, high tide but quite firm to walk on. Warm sun and ever so slight breeze.

Family and friends went to meet the hikers as they came closer to Kosi Bay. They had a long picnic afternoon on the beach and sat around the fire last night hearing story after story of the hike.

To all of you who have followed them on their adventure and left encouraging comments on the site, thank you for getting involved. The guys have enjoyed getting the notes you have left and they keep saying that one of the most special things has been the people they have met on the way.

There are still many photos to be uploaded. Chummy says certain stretches were as good as a photo every 700m. They will keep getting uploaded as they arrive so check back here to see their amazing photos. We’ll also send out one final newsletter once they are all available on the site.

“How precious are your thoughts to me o Lord. How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, they would be more than the grains of sand.”

  1. 21 Responses

  2. By Brenda Hallowes on Jul 01, 2009

    Whoo hoo! It's the first of July! Congratulations Guys. You have done an awesome feat. I wish I was there with some rockets to launch. I am so impressed.

  3. By Julie van Hasselt on Jul 01, 2009

    Congratulations!!! You guys are finished your hike!!! I pray you arrived safe at your finishing point!!!
    What you both have done is amazing and the lives you are touching and changing is awesome!!!!!!
    God bless, love Julie

  4. By Marilyn Johnson on Jul 01, 2009

    hi guys, you are probably almost there now!! Well done and know that you have enjoyed it so much. It was wonderful meeting you and I will miss all my pictures every day!! Marilyn

  5. By Ian France on Jul 01, 2009

    Congratulations on completing your walk! And thanks a million for nominating Phakamisa as the recipient of funds raised.
    Rest well, friends

  6. By Wendy Jones (Stuart) on Jul 01, 2009

    Amazing, what a feat!!!

  7. By Lucas Mthembu on Jul 01, 2009

    Greetings, Congratulation to the hikers, they did a lot We also .extand thanks to our beloved God who were with them, Congratulation!!cheers

  8. By Mark Hallowes on Jul 01, 2009

    Congratulations Alan and Chummy. You are simply the best! The Lord has answered our prayers - and those of all your many arm-chair observers and supporters - that you arrive safely. Praise Him for that and all the funds and awareness you have raised for Phakamisa. May He continue to bless you both as you prepare for life beyond The Hike!

  9. By Joseph F. Hughes on Jul 01, 2009

    Congratulations Alan and Chummy, I have thoroughly enjoyed following the daily updates and tracking your progress. You have certainly pulled off one heck of a feat, and I am extremely proud for you. The best of luck with whatever it is you now decide to put your mind to next. Congrats once again and well done. Joseph.

  10. By Brenda Hallowes on Jul 02, 2009

    Wow guys! Well done. Now what am I going to do when I log onto the net???? You'll have to do it again.

  11. By Wendy Jones (Stuart) on Jul 02, 2009

    For Rachel, thanks for the fantastic website, you did a brilliant job. It wouldn't have been the same without you and what you created. Cheers

  12. By nita dirksen van schalkwyk on Jul 03, 2009

    What can I say. Congratulations to you both. Chum see you when I get back. Meg, so glad you have Chummy back at home again. Love, Nita and Reinette

  13. By Ross Marshall on Jul 04, 2009

    Well done. We've been back a long time in the UK since we met you guys at Port Alfred around Easter time. We were wondering how you were getting on, and keeping just an occasional eye on the website as we immersed ourselves in busy lives back here in the UK. What on earth will you do now that you don't have to wake up and go longwalking anymore. And will you ever be able to get to sleep again without the sound of the sea in your ears.
    Warmest wishes from the East Anglia where we have our own special coastline. Well done you two on your life changing and hopefully life affirming achievement.

  14. By Pete Van on Jul 05, 2009

    Well done guys! You are awesome. Congratulations from Florida, USA.

  15. By Hanlie Maleham on Jul 07, 2009

    CongratulationsAlan and Chummy. What you have experienced and achieved is amazing. God Bless you both. Enjoy your rest and catching up with your home lives again.

  16. By Ed on Jul 09, 2009

    Hi guys - well done on an amazing achievement! You had a dream and you made it happen and that's been an inspiration.

    You've made it into the first episode of Shoreline that starts this Monday on SABC 2 at 19:30 - an epic journey from Alexander Bay to Kosi Bay. You can visit the Shoreline website and see a pic of the two of you at http://www.shorelinesa.co.za/home.asp?m=9andidkey=540

    Much love - Ed and Starr

  17. By chummy on Jul 10, 2009

    Hi Folks.

    'Ja' it's all over execept the paperwork!!!!!

    Never expected the venture to generate so much interest, and with it the associated paperwork.

    Did i hear the west coast calling???

    Thank you for all the interest and encouragement.



  18. By Gavin Selfe on Jul 17, 2009

    What can we say except Well Done! May your bed be sand-free for at least a week, and may you ne'er see bully beef or 1-minute noodles again!

  19. By Rachel on Jul 17, 2009

    We'll have to see how long the 'sand-free' part lasts - he's off to the Fish River Canyon on the weekend!

  20. By Alan on Aug 07, 2009

    Life is back to 'normal' for me. I am now immersed in term plans, financial reports, marking and sports tournaments! I often, at the weirdest times, have flashbacks to places we saw and experiences we had during our long, amazing walk. It is so good to read my diary and live again, momentarily, in our six months on the 'beach'.

    Chummy is a great and patient companion. His life is an example of healthy discipline, generosity and friendliness. He is now looking at new horizons in his life's vision. Whatever he puts his hand to, he is sure to succeed. It was good to be with you for six months my friend. May God bless you as you continue to serve Him.

    Thanks so much to everyone who had contact with us while we were walking, whether it was by sms, phone, e-mail, website or person to person. It was so good to share this time with so many!


  21. By Willie on Aug 14, 2009

    It was a pleasure to host you guys one night. The website looks fantastic! Get your PRO people to market the photographic coastline on the web.

    Can Chummy tell me which date I should go to to see the cliff and the guitar lifesaver. I play it almost everyday and it is probably the best gift I ever received.


  22. By LW (Oupa) Jansen v Rensburg on Jan 05, 2010

    Hello Chummy,

    ek het na jou webtuiste gekyk en dit lyk 'great' Goeie werk wat julle doen.

    Dit was lekker gewees om met jou te praat vanoggend.

    Jy moet verder lekker verjaar vandag en ons praat weer.

    Laat my weet as jy die Weskus gaan loop, sal graag in die omgewing wil wees wanneer julle daar is. Stap dalk nog so entjie saam om fondse vir die oues van dae in te samel.

    Hoop om spoedig van jou te hoor.

    Oom LW.

    ps. Tannie Rina stuur groete xxx