Phakamisa Ministry
While it would be a challenge enough to do the hike, we have decided to hike to raise awareness for the PHAKAMISA ministry, which exists to serve and uplift impoverished communities through the provision of educational training, resourcing and support.
Based at the Pinetown Methodist Church, the team of Phakamisa contribute to a genuine sustainable development project. Empowering people by creating a belief in themselves, and in their own abilities.
They provides educare teacher training programmes, caregiver support groups, a gardening and nutrution programme (80 gardens feeding 850 families) and an HIV AIDS support group.
In addition, they also have economic empowerment initiatives including beadwork, woven and embroidered grass mats and sale of fresh and processed vegetables.
If you are looking for a place to start, you could donate R168. This is the equivalent of a rand a day for the 168 days that we will be hiking.
Phakamisa’s Bank Account Details
We’d like to keep track of how much awareness we have raised and in order to do this, we kindly ask you to use ‘C2K’ in your payment reference.
South Africa Bank details
Nedbank Pinetown
A/C no: 1339 476 711
Branch code: 133926
Address: P.O. Box 107
South Africa
Tel. No: 7178860
United Kingdom bank details
Pinetown Methodist Church Mission Trust (U.K.)
Bank of Scotland
Sort code: 80-02-24
Account number: 06004775
For UK deposits, please inform Bob Mawer of your donation on
For more information and to find their fundraising numbers, you can visit their website
Alan says:
PHAKAMISA has been a ministry or project of Pinetown Methodist Church since the days of Rev Ray Light in the late 1980’s.I joined Pinetown Methodist in 1992 and watched this ministry grow into the enormous operation it is now.
It was first called EDUCARE. My friend, Glenda Howieson, has been leading this project for many years. She is so passionate about its success that it has done just that. It is succeeding in making a difference to thousands of poverty stricken youngsters in the Durban and Pinetown area.
PHAKAMISA is not a handout project – although they do give food and clothing etc. out when this is needed. They concentrate on enabling people to run pre-schools, sew, do beadwork, do carpentry, cook nutritious meals, plant food gardens etc. Glenda and her team work day and night to ensure success.
I have been inspired by the project so am keen to support it.
2 Responses
By Jennifer Sugden on Apr 21, 2009
I will support this effort in every way I am able!
By Helen Tasioulas on Jun 18, 2009
Congratulations. Sure you have had fun and probably lots of mud along the way.
A small donation will follow